Front End Architecture

JavaScript Runtime Bundling Concept

Imagine a world where you don't need to install a single dependency, but you're still able to use all modern JavaScript features. Where you don't need to run a build script every time you change a file. And you can do all of that knowing that your app will be perfectly minified and optimized for old browsers on production...

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Progressive Enhancement and the Modern Web

A few years ago, before frameworks like React and Vue.js became popular and WordPress and jQuery dominated the web (which, strictly speaking, still is the case today), there seemed to be an agreement on the overall importance of Progressive Enhancement. My impression is that this consensus has vanished since...

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Partial Hydration Concepts: Lazy and Active

I am currently working on porting vue-lazy-hydration to Vue 3. With that comes the potential to make some significant improvements since Vue 3 has an API that allows controlling the hydration of VNodes. Working with the new APIs got me thinking about the general concept of hydration...

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Avoid Opaque Dependency Injection Techniques with Vue.js

We use Dependency Injection to achieve loose coupling. But loose coupling and Dependency Injection can make it harder to understand how our code works. It can make it more challenging to determine where a particular dependency is coming from...

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Building Partially Hydrated, Progressively Enhanced Static Websites with Isomorphic Preact and Eleventy

One of my top priorities is to create the fastest possible websites (think marketing sites, not web applications), but I also don't want to do without modern tools and a component-based workflow. While there are developments in the right direction, I don't think tools like Gatsby and Nuxt.js are quite there yet when it comes to building content heavy, mostly static sites...

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Setting up Eleventy with Preact and htm

One of my top priorities is to create the fastest possible websites (think marketing sites, not web applications), but I also don't want to do without modern tools and a component-based workflow. While there are developments in the right direction, I don't think tools like Gatsby and Nuxt.js are quite there yet when it comes to building content heavy, mostly static sites...

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Separation of Concerns Re-Revisited

The more I read about React Hooks and the RFC for the Vue.js Composition API, the more I think about the early days of modern frontend frameworks like React and Vue.js...

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Implementing an Authentication Flow with Passport and Netlify Functions

A few weeks ago I started working on a small side project where it is a requirement to authenticate users. It was pretty clear to me that I didn't want to roll my own custom authentication flow, but I didn't want to go the cheap way and work with Netlify Identity either, because although I'm sure it's great (like any Netlify service), I want to learn new things with my side projects. So I decided to go the middle way and use the very popular Passport Express middleware...

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Implementing the Builder Pattern in Vue.js Part 1: Listings

Recently I've seen a great talk by Jacob Schatz about Phenomenal Design Patterns in Vue. One of the patterns he mentioned in his talk was the Builder Pattern. I found his example very interesting, so it was clear to me that I had to experiment with this pattern myself...

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