Markus Oberlehner

Setting up Eleventy with Preact and htm

One of my top priorities is to create the fastest possible websites (think marketing sites, not web applications), but I also don’t want to do without modern tools and a component-based workflow. I have already written a few articles about the problems I’ve encountered when using state-of-the-art tools that promise to achieve this. While there are developments in the right direction, I don’t think tools like Gatsby and Nuxt.js are quite there yet when it comes to building content heavy, mostly static sites.

Lately, I have been playing around with Preact and the excellent static website generator Eleventy. I found out that it is straightforward to bring these two together. And as we’ll see in my next article, we can use the combination of these two technologies to create progressively enhanced static websites with a universal/isomorphic code base.

In this article, we explore how to set up Eleventy so that we can use Preact in combination with htm as its templating layer.

Demo and full code

You can take a look at a demo of the website on Netlify, and you can check out the GitHub repository to see the full code.

Configuring Eleventy for Preact

In this article, I assume that you already have Eleventy up and running, and we only look at what is specific to setting up Preact to work with Eleventy. In my setup, I use the following Eleventy configuration.

// You don't have to use the same configuration
// but be aware that I have overwritten the
// default `input` and `output` directories when
// following the rest of this article.
module.exports = function eleventy() {
  return {
    dir: {
      input: "src",
      output: "dist",

First, let’s start by installing all the necessary dependencies to build components with Preact.

npm install preact preact-render-to-string htm

Now we’re ready to integrate Preact components into our Eleventy setup.

Rendering Preact components with Eleventy

Let’s start by creating a basic layout file for our website. For this, we create a new file src/_includes/layout.njk.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/index.css" />
    {{ content | safe }}

This is the only place where we do not use Preact components to render the HTML of our website. We create a separate Preact layout component for the basic HTML structure like header, navigation, and footer in the next step. The content variable holds the rendered HTML of our Preact entry component, so we have to use the safe filter to make sure it outputs the HTML instead of a string with the escaped HTML.

The Preact layout component

Next, you can see our Preact layout component generating the necessary HTML skeleton for our website.

// src/components/LayoutDefault.js
const { html } = require("htm/preact");

const BaseWrapper = require("./BaseWrapper");

module.exports = ({ children }) => html`
  <div class="LayoutDefault">
    <footer class="LayoutDefault__footer">
      <${BaseWrapper}> © Markus Oberlehner <//>

You might wonder about the syntax inside of the html tagged template string. This is not a pseudo-language that requires a build step like JSX; what you can see here is htm. Thanks to htm, we don’t need an extra build step but are still able to use JSXish syntax for our components.

The Preact entry component

Here, you can see the code for the entry component of our server-side pre-rendered website. We dynamically generate a page by rendering section components based on which data we receive from Eleventy. You can take a look at the data used to render the demo application directly on GitHub.

// src/components/App.js
const { html } = require("htm/preact");

const LayoutDefault = require("./LayoutDefault");

const sections = {
  content: require("./SectionContent"),
  hero: require("./SectionHero"),
  teaser: require("./SectionTeaser"),

module.exports = ({ page }) => html`
    <div class="App">
        ({ data, name }) => html` <${sections[name]} data=${data} /> `,

One thing you have to keep in mind is that although we are using Preact to build our website, Eleventy still is a static site generator. So by using Preact as a server-side templating language, you can’t build anything interactive like buttons that react to click events, for example. The code only runs once on the server, and the generated HTML output is rendered in the browser. No JavaScript is loaded or executed on the client! At least for now. If you want to use certain interactive elements like image carousels or contact forms on your website, you can read about it in my next article.

Rendering content

Now our Preact components are ready to be rendered, but currently, we do not use them anywhere. Let’s change this by creating a new file src/page.11ty.js.

// src/page.11ty.js
const { html } = require("htm/preact");
const render = require("preact-render-to-string");

const App = require("./components/App");

module.exports = class Page {
  data() {
    return {
      title: "Setting up Eleventy with Preact and htm",
      layout: "layout.njk",
      pagination: {
        data: "pages",
        size: 1,
        alias: "page",
        addAllPagesToCollections: true,
      permalink: ({ page }) => `/${page.slug}/index.html`,

  render(data) {
    return render(html`<${App} page=${} />`);

Here is where we link Eleventy and Preact. The render() method provided by the preact-render-to-string package renders our Preact component and outputs an HTML string, which is then used by Eleventy to render the final .html file which is later served by the browser.

The data which is used to render the page above comes from src/_data/pages.js.

Wrapping it up

What I love about this approach is that every code snippet you can see in this article is just JavaScript. We don’t have to use and maintain a complicated webpack set up to run this code. We don’t have to configure our linter and code editor to work with some pseudo-language like JSX or Vue.js Single File Components.

Because of that, I think Eleventy, Preact, and htm are a perfect match. Eleventy, too, is known and loved for its simplicity, which makes it a joy to use those two in conjunction. If you want to read more about how to make this combination even more powerful you can read my follow up article about how to do partial hydration with Eleventy and Preact.