Markus Oberlehner

Blog Page 11

Lazy Resolving Observable API Services with Vue.js

Although GraphQL is pretty cool and powerful, I also like the simplicity of good old REST API endpoints. Also, we often can't use GraphQL for everything because there is no GraphQL endpoint available. In this article, we take a closer look at how we can replicate one of the core features of GraphQL, which makes it possible only to load what is absolutely necessary, in a classic REST API-based application...

Weekly Recap: Simple is Complicated

Last week was a slow week when it comes to discovering or learning about new things. Here are a few things I encountered...

Weekly Recap: Tight Coupling + Complexity = Errors

This week I thought a lot about two topics: reducing complexity and structuring your codebase and naming things. Recently I listened to an episode of 99% Invisible about what causes errors. Although this episode wasn’t specifically about programming, the basic idea very much applied to what we do in our daily jobs...

Weekly Recap: TDD is dead

Last week I did go down the rabbit hole reading about TDD best practices and misconceptions. Everything began with a Twitter discussion about David Heinemeier Hansson's (old) article: TDD is dead. Long live testing...

Vuex Data Model and Feature Module Strategy Part 2: Feature Modules

In this article, we extend the functionality of our very simple demo application from the previous article to display multiple paginated lists for the same content type. The paginated list feature module does not fetch any data itself but instead connects to the data model module. Doing so makes it possible to cache requests with the same query across feature modules to reduce the number of requests to your API and make your app feel snappy...

Vuex Data Model and Feature Module Strategy Part 1: The Data Model Module

The data model approach builds on the idea that you have a separate Vuex module for every data model of your application (e.g., users, posts, comments). Following this pattern makes it very straightforward to structure your Vuex store. But there are also some problems with a pure data model paradigm...

Thoughts about Utility-First CSS Frameworks

Many people, including me, are very skeptical about the utility-first approach of Tailwind CSS and other similar CSS frameworks like Tachyons. But I think it is essential to be open-minded about new ideas and techniques, especially if many people like it...

Reusable Functional Vue.js Components with Tailwind CSS

Tailwind is a CSS framework that I never used extensively, but I always found it interesting enough to keep it on my radar and occasionally play around with it. Today we explore how we can use Tailwind CSS with Vue.js. In this article, we identify potential pitfalls when using utility-first CSS frameworks and how to avoid them. Most importantly, we find out how to use Vue.js functional components to create abstractions for repeating patterns like cards and headlines...