Markus Oberlehner

Blog Page 26

The Testable Module Pattern

This is a pattern to write JavaScript modules which are fully testable by unit tests but also easy to use without the overhead of directly using a factory function. You might use this pattern when you want to use unit tests but you do not want to give up on the flexibility of a modular, dependency based approach of structuring your code...

Test Driven Development with JavaScript Using ava and Sinon.JS

For a long time testing and test-driven development (TDD) was a magical thing for me. I didn't really know what it meant and it seemed to be something only “real” developers can do correctly. Many developers suffer from imposter syndrome and so did (sometimes even today do) I and I was too scared to get into this magical thing called TDD. Two or three years ago I started to work...

Abbreviations Suck

For a recent project I had to work a lot with the express Node.js framework. Abbreviations are used everywhere in the express documentation: req, res, err, etc. As I copied code snippets from the documentation into my project and kept changing the abbreviations into the words they stand for, I figured I could write an article on the subject...

Investing Money (as a Developer)

Developers tend to earn a decent amount of money. Although this varies from country to country and job to job, it is true most of the time. So what to do with all the money? Invest it!

Building avalanche 4.x.x

Up until a few years ago, most people didn't put much thought into „CSS architecture“ (I'm quite sure it wasn't even a thing). Around the year 2009 some sophisticated fronted folks (most notably Nicole Sullivan) started talking about concepts like OOCSS...