Markus Oberlehner

Blog Page 12

Setting up Tailwind CSS v2 with Vue.js

Tailwind CSS is one of the rising stars in the CSS framework world. It's especially popular in the Laravel and Vue.js community. In this article, we learn how to set up Tailwind CSS to work with a Vue CLI powered application...

Simple Solution to Prevent Body Scrolling on iOS

In my last article about building accessible popup overlays with Vue.js we used a simple technique to prevent scrolling in the background. I think that this little trick for preventing scrolling on the `<body>` element on all devices, including iOS 12 and below (finally, this was fixed in iOS 13 🎉) is worth taking a closer look...

Scrolling Shadows with Vue.js

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where the content of a particular area of our website or web app is too big to fit inside of our layout. In such cases, overflow: auto can come in handy. But usually, this comes with the downside that users with browsers which do not show scrollbars by default (macOS or most mobile devices) might not be aware that it is possible to scroll...

Popup Overlays with Vue Router and Portal Vue

If we like it or not, modal dialogs and overlays are a recurring pattern on many websites and apps. In this article, we take a look at how to implement popup overlays with Vue Router so that they have a URL. We attach great importance to making our solution accessible so all of our users can use it without frustration. Also, we want to keep it simple but still create a reusable solution...

Dynamic Vue.js CRUD Applications

Often it seems like we build the same applications again and again. And at least sometimes it feels like that because indeed we do. Again and again, we build the same CRUD applications with their generic list views, edit forms, and previews. Throughout this article, we examine how to create a generic and reusable structure for a traditional CRUD application. Our primary goal is to keep our codebase DRY...

Decouple Vue.js components from the Vuex Store

One of the main concerns I have when building Vuex-based applications is the tight coupling of components with the Vuex store that seems inevitable when using Vuex. Ideally, I want to be able to switch the data layer of my application at any time without having to touch all my components that rely on data from an external resource...

Dependency Injection in Vue.js with Functional Component Factories

If you are a regular reader of my blog (thanks to all of you), you may have noticed that many of my articles are about decoupling components from their dependencies. Over the past few months I have written a few articles on this subject. But today I share with you an additional way to inject dependencies into Vue.js components that I find very interesting: dependerncy injection via functional components and component props...

Generic Content Vuex Modules

Today we look at how we can design a system for quickly creating generic Vuex modules for typical CRUD content types. Often when creating applications rather sooner than later we catch ourselves repeating the same boilerplate code over and over again because most of our content types are very similar at their core...

Make your Vuex State Flat: State Normalization with Vuex

Listening to one of Full Stack Radio's latest episodes, I was very impressed by the expertise of Matt Biilmann, CEO of Netlify. Adam Wathan and Matt talked a lot about how global state is handled in the Netlify web application. Although the Netlify app is built with React and Redux when he spoke of his philosophy for structuring the global state of the app, it motivated me to think a little more about this topic in the context of Vue.js and Vuex...