When multiple people are working together on a project, it is important to define some rules to make sure that everything stays tidy and chaos does not arise. How to name things is one of the areas in which there are always differences in opinion...
For the most time, when writing unit tests, I favored the it should ... pattern for naming my tests. But time and time again, I noticed that when following this naming convention, I either had to write very long test cases or omit important information...
In the last week, thoughts about global state management, technical debt, and using a WET first approach for building components sparked my interest...
In the last week, I enjoyed working with Eleventy and Preact very much. Furthermore, I realized that boring but proven technology is often better than new and shiny tools...
Last week I had two insights: sanitizing data as early as possible can make it much easier to reason about your code. And reducing the complexity of your components, the deeper down they are in the component tree can lead to a cleaner architecture...
In one of my earlier articles, I wrote about how to use functional Vue.js components so that they inherit attributes such as classes and styles. This way, functional components are perfect for creating simple base components. In this article, we take a look at how we can simplify and generalize the process of creating new functional base components by automatically creating new Vue.js components from CSS files...
Last week I had two insights: sanitizing data as early as possible can make it much easier to reason about your code. And reducing the complexity of your components, the deeper down they are in the component tree can lead to a cleaner architecture...
The last week was, on the one hand, a busy week and, on the other hand, a slow week when it comes to learning new things. One topic that comes up again and again in my daily programming work is the handling of function parameters: Is it a good idea to always use a single object as the only parameter for functions?
Last week I discovered some things that made me question myself. Do I use Array.reduce() too much? Do I sometimes feel too competent in subjects about which I know little in reality?
The last couple of weeks, David Khourshid seemed to be everywhere. He appeared on both the Syntax FM and the Full Stack Radio podcast. And in both, he spoke about the advantages of state machines...