For several years now, my LEGO Mindstorms NXT has been living a life as a decorative item on my desk. Since I wasn't in the mood to do real work today, I was wondering if it wouldn't be possible to use JavaScript to control it. After searching the web I found out that it is actually possible to do this. So let's have some fun...
I love the concept of reactive computed properties in Vue.js. So much so that I miss them in situations where I don't have them available. In this article, we will explore how to create reactive data models with all the features of regular Vue.js components such as computed properties...
The more I read about React Hooks and the RFC for the Vue.js Composition API, the more I think about the early days of modern frontend frameworks like React and Vue.js...
In my opinion, the best way to inject dependencies is via factory functions that take the dependencies as parameters. Unfortunately, it is not possible to export factory functions from Vue.js Single File Components. According to the specification, the default export should be a Vue.js component options object...
A few weeks ago I started working on a small side project where it is a requirement to authenticate users. It was pretty clear to me that I didn't want to roll my own custom authentication flow, but I didn't want to go the cheap way and work with Netlify Identity either, because although I'm sure it's great (like any Netlify service), I want to learn new things with my side projects. So I decided to go the middle way and use the very popular Passport Express middleware...
Today, we will follow the W3C guidelines, on how to build a collapsible dropdown, very closely, to create a solid custom form select Vue.js component that works well for both keyboard and screen reader users as well as people who use a mouse or their finger to browse the web...
Unfortunately, accessibility (a11y) is often treated as an afterthought by many of us developers, including myself. For me, there are two reasons why I often don't treat a11y as a priority: approaching deadlines and lack of knowledge...
When building modern, component-based client-side applications, we often tend to forget about the foundations of web development: HTML and CSS. Sometimes we act as if the rules of writing semantic HTML are somehow no longer relevant. But the opposite is true...
On my journey to find ways to improve the rendering performance of large scale Vue.js applications, I stumble upon functional components as a possible solution from time to time. But so far, I've always found one or two reasons why I can't use them in my application...
In one of my previous articles, we examined how we can use JSX in Vue.js to export multiple Vue.js components from a single Single File Component (SFC) .vue file. Just recently I found an even easier solution to this problem...