
Vue Composition API: Composables

What makes the Vue 3 Composition API so much better than the Options API is code sharing. Inside the setup hook of a component, we can group parts of our code by logical concern. We then can extract pieces of reactive logic and share the code with other components...

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Don't Write Documentation!

Whenever we find a severe bug that is caused by an error in a complicated piece of code, in my experience, the first instinct is that better documentation is needed. So that the next time we need to debug the code, at least we know what it is supposed to do. I argue that this is a waste of time...

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Cypress Live-Reload Tests on Code Changes

Out of the box, Cypress offers an amazing live-reloading feature. But there is one caveat: live-reloading only works when changing test code, not when updating the application code. Nowadays, we are used to live-reloading in the browser thanks to webpack hot module replacement (HMR) and other fantastic development tools like Vite or Snowpack. If we had something similar in Cypress, practicing TDD would be a lot easier...

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Vue 3 Composition API vs. Options API

When migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3 or starting a new Vue 3 project, many people wonder if they should continue using the Options API or go all-in on the Composition API. I advise using the Composition API (for new components) exclusively ASAP and never looking back...

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Vue 3 Composition API: ref() vs. reactive()

One of the first questions that arise when starting with the new Vue Composition API is ref() or reactive()? The initial instinct is to use ref() for primitives (Boolean, String,...) and reactive() for objects. But there is more to it...

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Premium Vue and Nuxt Templates for Web Apps and Sites

Suppose you're searching for high-quality Vue.js templates, I recommend you to take a look at the work of Creative Tim. In this article, I'll show you a list of handpicked premium templates to build Web Applications or Websites with Vue.js and Nuxt.js...

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