Markus Oberlehner

Blog Page 20

Setting up a Vue.js Project with webpack 4 and Babel 7

For my previous article about three different ways of how to structure a Vue.js application, I wanted to set up a build system which not only allows for regular JavaScript code splitting, but also CSS code splitting. Thanks to webpack 4 and the mini-css-extract-plugin (which basically is the successor of the extract-text-webpack-plugin), CSS code splitting is finally possible...

Vue.js Application Structure and CSS Architecture

In recent days, I thought a lot about structuring large scale component-based applications. Oftentimes, at the beginning of a project, everything seems to be easy. You build a couple of components, put them together, and without too much effort you've implemented the first feature of your application in a reasonable amount of time...

Route Model Binding with Vue.js and Vuex

I'm currently in the process of refreshing my knowledge about Laravel. I do so by reading the official documentation. Although, I almost exclusively work on the front side of things with Vue.js nowadays, there is a lot to be learned by getting to know techniques outside of your comfort zone...

Network Stubs and Timers with Nightwatch.js and Cucumber.js

In my previous article about automated acceptance testing with Cypress I explored the possibilities of the `cy.route()` and `cy.clock()` commands. Because I fell in love with how easy it is to stub network requests and manipulate JavaScript timeout functions (like `setTimeout` and `setInterval`) with those two commands, I began to feel bad about not having this functionality in Nightwatch.js und Cucumber.js powered acceptance tests...

Automated Acceptance Testing with Cypress and Vue.js Part 1: Setup

In today's article, we're going to take a look at one of the rising stars in the automated end-to-end testing scene: Cypress. When I first discovered Cypress, I thought that it looks very promising, but I was skeptical if it can live up to the hype...

Dynamically Loading SVG Icons with Vue.js

In this article we're going to explore two approaches for dynamically loading SVG icons with Vue.js. We'll use the wonderful vue-svgicon package as a foundation for our SVG icon workflow...

How to Structure a Complex Vuex Store with Modules

In this article, we take a look at a possible way of how to structure a Vuex store for a large scale application. When I was researching possible approaches for handling the state of big, Vue powered applications with Vuex, it was pretty hard to find any good examples...

How to Handle Multi-row Forms with Vue, Vuex and vuex-map-fields

In one of my previous articles about form field handling in combination with Vuex, I introduced the vuex-map-fields package, which allows to conveniently map a list of fields to Vuex conform getter and setter functions. In today's article we take it a step further and we'll explore how we can use the latest release of vuex-map-fields to build a Vuex powered multi-row form...

Money in Open Source

Last week at Scriptconf in Linz, Austria, Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, spoke about his journey to becoming a full-time open source developer. Although most of the things he talked about don't apply to small open source projects and their contributors, I still found it interesting to gain some insight into the world of highly successful open source projects. But the one thing that people seemed to talk most about after the talk was how much money Evan makes on Patreon...