Automated Acceptance Testing with Cypress and Vue.js Part 1: Setup
In today’s article, we’re going to take a look at one of the rising stars in the automated end-to-end testing scene: Cypress. When I first discovered Cypress, I thought that it looks very promising, but I was skeptical if it can live up to the hype. Although Nightwatch.js is rather old and boring, it has proven to be a useful tool, which, even though it has its quirks, does its job well, most of the time. Let’s find out if Cypress is a serious competitor.
Cypress GUI running a simple test
In the following steps, I assume that you have a Vue.js app already up and running. If you don’t or you want to see the full code used in this article, you can check out the GitHub repository for this article.
npm install --save-dev cypress
The recommended way of using Cypress is as a npm dependency. With the command above, we can pull Cypress as a dependency into our Vue project.
By default, Cypress is generating an empty configuration file cypress.json
in your projects root directory. But because we want to make some changes to the default configuration before running Cypress, we create the file ourselves.
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080",
"fixturesFolder": "test/fixtures",
"integrationFolder": "test/features",
"pluginsFile": "test/plugins",
"screenshotsFolder": "test/screenshots",
"supportFile": "test/support",
"videosFolder": "test/videos"
As you can see above, we’re using the default webpack development server URL http://localhost:8080
as our baseUrl
. We do this for convenience, in a real world application you wan’t to run your tests on a version of your app which matches the production environment of your application as close as possible.
By default, Cypress is configured to store all its files in a cypress
directory which is located at the root level of your project. I’m not a huge fan of this practice so I’ve changed all the directories to point to a test
directory instead. I think this is a quite common pattern. If you already have unit-tests in place, which are located in the test
directory, you might consider to create separate subdirectories for unit and acceptance tests inside of your test
Because we’re changing some default directories, it’s important to create this file before running Cypress initially, because Cypress automatically creates the directories and some default files when it’s started for the first time.
Other stuff
Git and Cypress
In the very likely case that you’re using Git, there are two directories you want to keep out of your version control system. I recommend you to add the following two directories to your .gitignore
# OR, if you're using the default config
ESLint and Cypress
In case you’re using ESLint for linting your JavaScript files, you also want to configure ESLint for Cypress.
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-cypress
The easiest way to make ESLint work well with Cypress, is to install the Cypress ESLint plugin eslint-plugin-cypress
and add it to your .eslintrc
configuration file.
"env": {
"cypress/globals": true
"plugins": ["cypress"]
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Writing the first test
After we’ve configured Cypress, we’re ready to write our first simple test.
// test/features/home.js
describe("Home", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Because we're only testing the homepage
// in this test file, we can run this command
// before each individual test instead of
// repeating it in every test.
it("Should display the main headline.", () => {
// By using `data-qa` selectors, we can separate
// CSS selectors used for styling from those used
// exclusively for testing our application.
// See:
cy.get('[data-qa="main headline"]').should("be.visible");
cy.get('[data-qa="main headline"]').contains("Home");
To run our newly created test, we have to start the webpack development server first and then execute the Cypress command. To make starting Cypress a little easier, we can add two npm scripts to the scripts
section of our package.json
"scripts": {
"test:open": "cypress open",
"test": "cypress run"
The first command test:open
opens the Cypress GUI which makes it possible to run specific tests and watch them run live. The second command test
runs Cypress in headless mode, this is the one you want to run on your CI system or if you want to check if all your tests are passing before pushing a new feature. Let’s run npm run test:open
to open the Cypress GUI. To run our test, click the Run All Tests
button in the top right corner of the app.
Final thoughts
Although we’ve only scratched the surface of what Cypress is capable of, the GUI already looks very promising. I’m also very curios to try out some of the advanced features like time traveling, spies, clocks and stubbing network requests.
In the second part of this article series, we’re going to dive deeper into the matter of acceptance testing and we’ll look into some advanced topics surrounding this very broad topic.